No Words

No Words

After Parkland, Florida

as the sheriff counts Florida’s mass shootings, this is just Florida

recall by memory alone that list of all the schools through all the years

in your head should ever be will I see you again? as you say good-bye to your teenager who shrugs a backpack over her shoulder

stand over the corpse of a child you yanked out of the way of a speeding car as a toddler and do not know how to bury him

pray on your knees in a bank lobby that your cell phone will buzz with text

wrap shaking arms around a sobbing daughter splattered with a friend’s blood

breathe in and out your compassion for those who lost their heart center

contain the outrage that children die because anyone can buy the weapons of war

that a war of retribution rages inside young men who lust after weapons of war

excuse who is responsible for allowing access to assault rifles

remember it was your town, your mall, your community college just months ago

record the passion of the crow mob that chases the red tail hawk to the next neighborhood

measure the up-and-down-scale trills of the orange-crowned warbler wintering over in Florida as it eats from the underside of leaves